Don’t Be Unattractive

Hello there, Dear Readers. It’s been more than a minute since I last wrote to you. I’ve been neglecting this blog. When your life is going well, well, there’s no reason to write, I guess.

Today though, I saw something that I had to talk about.

I’m sure you’ve heard guys like @RuleZeroDad or Rian Stone talk about “Be Attractive, Don’t Be Unattractive,” right? I’m also pretty sure I’ve written about it here in the past, but I can’t be bothered to go looking for them. I’m at a point in my life where I’m not going to spoon-feed you. I’m pretty sure it’s there somewhere in the archives, go look and search for yourselves if you feel so inclined.

Most of you guys that find the “Red Pill” understand what “Be Attractive” means, and many of you do a decent job of it. You lose weight, eat better, hit the gym, get a haircut, wear clothes that fit and don’t stink, and you start taking care of your hygiene. These are all good things.

It’s the “Don’t Be Unattractive” part where time and time again, you guys keep fucking it up.

“Don’t Be Unattractive” isn’t necessarily the opposite of “Be Attractive.” It’s not about getting fat again, wearing smelly clothes, and not brushing your teeth or putting on deodorant.

It’s about your mouth though.

Most of you guys still don’t understand that “STFU Is A Superpower.”

Some of you guys say the dumbest, cringiest, creepiest shit I have ever seen. And that will absolutely kill whatever chance you think you had, with a woman.

I have seen guys who hit the gym. They are in phenomenal shape. Way better shape than me. They also dress to kill, and they won the genetic lottery. And they still can’t shut their fucking mouths. Do they go home alone, night after night? Absolutely. Do they end up jacking off into socks? Most definitely.

I was talking to a younger guy a few days ago, he said something along the lines of, “Rob, I just realized that it’s me that gets in my own way. I’m my own worst enemy, and it’s always been that way.”

Now, I’m paraphrasing him here, but he’s absolutely correct.

You are your own worst enemy, especially when it comes to dating, sex, and even marriage. And it’s always been that way. Ask me how I know.

Let’s get to why I’m writing this post today, shall we?

Take a look at the screenshot above, you’ll need it for context and reference, because it was the catalyst for this post.

The author of that post is talking about men who have enough looks, money, game, what-have-you, to get a woman to his place/hotel/wherever, and then he doesn’t “consummate the deal.” He doesn’t actually “pull the trigger.”

Part of me thinks that this screenshot is 100% pure bullshit. It’s fiction, right? At least that’s what I thought. Only now I’m finding out this kind of stuff actually happens.

All I know is that I never failed to “pull the trigger” when the “moment of truth” happened. If I can get a woman off the couch, get her in front of me, get her to my house, and then get her naked, I’m absolutely having sex. It might be a One Night Stand, it might be for a few weeks, it might be for a couple of months, or it might go much longer. It doesn’t matter. I’m not backing out if we’re both naked and waiting.

The OP of that screenshot brought up a good point: “What he did was astronomically worse (he didn’t “pull the trigger”) because women do NOT take sexual rejection well.”

Guys, it gets worse than that.

Yes, women do NOT take sexual rejection well. She’s already neurotic and insecure about her body. AWALT, remember? If you decide to not “pull the trigger,” and she’s there in nothing but her birthday suit, the first thing she’s going to think is, “Is it me? Am I not attractive enough? Am I too fat? Is it my (scars, birthmarks, freckles, wrinkles, you name it)? Does he not desire me? Am I not good enough?”

But guys, it gets worse.

Maybe it is her. Maybe it is because of anything I mentioned, or something I didn’t mention. But here’s the kicker:

She’ll move from insecurity to anger in the blink of an eye. It’ll be your fault that you couldn’t “do the deed in the moment of truth.” She’ll blame you. And she’ll see you as incompetent.

And you know what? You are.

You’re incompetent.

You got her out of the house and in front of you. You managed to keep your mouth shut when and where it mattered. She laughed at your jokes and whatnot. You escalated and she was reciprocative. She took your hand and she went back home/to the hotel/wherever) with you. You kissed and fondled her and she was willing. You stripped and she stripped or vice versa. And then you couldn’t manage it.

Guys, that’s way beyond The One Behind Club shit.

I get it, you’re insecure too. Maybe from a lack of experience. Hey, we all start at zero. We all start from a point of no sex, each and every one of us. Yes, I too once had a “notch count” of zero. The crazy thing is, so do women. They all start at zero, too. And it’s been women who taught me shit that most of you will never know because you either don’t know how to keep your mouths shut, or you hesitate at the “moment of truth.”

You see, women for the most part, don’t mind a lack of sexual experience. Granted, the older the woman gets, the more she’ll hope and expect that you DO have some sort of experience, and even if you don’t, if you’re willing, she’ll most likely still be game. If anyone “gets it,” she does.

But not “pulling the trigger?”

I can say this:

I have met plenty of women that are okay with a lack of experience, I have met none that will tolerate incompetence.

Not having sex when she’s there at her most vulnerable moment in front of you? That’s not lack of experience, that’s incompetence. Hell hath no fury, indeed.

Which brings me to the heart of the matter, this fucking gem:

Here’s a guy who answered the author of the screenshot above.

So he chose to not have sex at least twice. I’ll bet that’s a conservative number, to be honest.

He chose to “out himself.” Okay, so now I know he hasn’t learned to shut his mouth.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

He’s an idiot because he has no idea that this isn’t a flex. He has no idea that this is “Unattractive.”

He’s also a bigot to boot. So he outed himself there too. Honestly, I think that’s why he replied to the OP. I blacked out the bigotry, because that shit is irrelevant to me.

And the coup de grace? He showed himself to be incompetent. Not just to me, but the OP, and anyone and everyone else on Twitter. He didn’t do this once. He did it at least twice.

Guys, this goes way beyond The One Behind Club.

Being naive, and not having enough (or any) experience, is how you get to be in the One Behind Club.

Being incompetent or seen as incompetent is a whole different level. Hell hath no fury.

I’m almost positive that the guy who replied with that second screenshot thought he was “contributing to the conversation.” Maybe he was. Just not the way that he imagined.

“It was usually because I found something that made me realize that I didn’t want to pursue that person anymore.” And you found that out when you were both at your place and you were fucking nude, dude? Really?

If this isn’t a “cope harder” moment, I don’t know what is.

This is the epitome of “Don’t Be Unattractive” that I have ever seen so far.

I’m going to paraphrase something here:

The Red Pill is Triage. You help the ones you can, and read last rites for those you can’t. – Rollo Tomassi

Godspeed Fellow Traveller. See you in the next life.

I can help you

I can help you break up with your boyfriend
We’ll do it in style
Take you to a hole-in-the-wall bar
Take you back to my place
Take a selfie after we do the deed
Hit send

No need to tell him you love him no more
No need to hear him ask you what he can do to make it work
No need to hear him cry
He’ll be alone in his room
Bawling like a lil bitch
And you can block him from there

If you’re interested in my services
call 1-800-FUCCBOI
And we’ll set a date, time, and place
That’ll be $20,000

Being Silenced On Social Media, And What I Have Learned.

Better than Chemo: Social Media

[Edit: This is a post I was writing back in November of 2022 when I got gagged on Twatter. I was sick of writing it, and so I abandoned it. Until now.]

While I have been gagged from running my mouth on Twitter, and believe me, there is a LOT that I have wanted to say, I have learned a few things, or have been reminded of a few things.

Most people spend way too much time on social media.

Most people have no idea what is going on around them, but they think they do.

Most people care way too much about their own opinions and what other people think of those opinions.

Most people are way too “thin-skinned.”

It’s like we are all “gods” on social media. Behold! I tweet therefore I am! My opinion not only matters, but it is true, correct, and is the Way. Anyone who would dare disagree with me is clearly an imbecile, a degenerate, and is the reason that the West is in decline.

You are a witch! Burn them at the stake! Here’s my graphs and platitudes that condemn ye!

It’s not even been a week and very few people have noticed that I have been absent. I ain’t shit, and that’s okay. It’s both sobering and funny how quickly we move on.

It’s actually been pretty cool that I haven’t been able to engage with people. Hear me out:

I see someone say something that I consider to be extremely stupid, naive, or obtuse, and I want to pounce. Right now I can’t. Sure I can screenshot their tweet and release my venom when the gag is removed, but why bother? So fuck it, I let it go. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, just like this post doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things. People are going to go on saying and doing stupid shit. Not my problem, Let ‘Em Burn.

One of the funny things I have noticed over time:

Guys are posting their food almost as much or more than the women are. Way to go guys, congratulations, you’re a woman now. You’re Mom would be so proud.

In fact, in the Gay Monastery (aka the Manosphere) it’s the guys who are more hysterical and fly off the deep end and are outraged these days. What happened to being a “stoic,” guys? What happened to “taking it on the chin?” Again, your Mother would be so proud. For a bunch of Sigma and Alpha males, you guys sure do act like the women that you either claim to hate or to love. In fact, it’s gotten hard for me to tell the difference anymore. Take away the username and the avi, and I can’t tell the difference from one account to another. You’re just as emotional as women. No wonder women don’t want anything to do with you, it’s like they’re looking in a mirror.

Another thing that I have seen happening over time is guys who are “too stupid to have a good time.”

You’re Too Stupid To Have A Good Time

There is a video circulating on social media as I write this. There’s a chick who posted her enthusiasm for eating. Sure, she’s a bit on the “chunky side.” But her enthusiasm is phenomenal. Who cares if she’s fat? Who cares that she is portraying herself as excited to eat? She actually looks like she would be someone who knows how to have a good time.

Notice the other girl: “Really?” *Insert eye-roll emoji*

Give me a fucking break.

When that video started making its rounds, I didn’t turn on the audio. No need to. I know there’s some stupid music in there. I also didn’t need to go into the replies about that video. Again, no need to.

It was other guys who I follow, who did the “heavy lifting” for me.

If you have been on social media for any length of time, you know what was being said in the replies.

Here’s the thing:

What you decide to say in the replies to that particular video, or anything else really, is more of a reflection on you, than it is on the original post or its author. It’s how I know that many of you are too stupid to have a good time.

Would I marry that girl based on that video? Hell no. I know nothing about her other than she knows how to have a good time. Who cares if she isn’t “model thin?” Who cares that she “likes to eat?” I’m not looking for marriage or cohabitation. I’m just looking for women that know how to have a good time.

And you know what? I’m pretty fucking sure that chick knows how to have a good time.